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Diabetic retinopathy occurs when high blood sugar damages the retina, causing blood vessels to rupture and form scar tissue—often without noticeable symptoms. As scarring builds, vision may become impaired or lost. Digital Retina Scanners enable early detection, allowing ophthalmologists to perform laser treatments that stop hemorrhages and preserve sight. With your support, we can prevent vision loss together.
Norma Callahan,Director of the Florida Lions Retinopathy Foundation speaks about retinopathy, screenings and the success that the foundation has had with screening for diabetic retinopathy. You can visit their website at: Florida Lions Diabetic Retinopathy Foundation.
Not everyone has resources to be screened for diabetic retinopathy. It is also time consuming and the inconvenience of having your eyes dilated, With a Digital Retina Scanner, Lions Clubs of California would be able to do a retina exam. Lions Clubs need your help to purchase these cameras. Currently, the California Lions Friends in Sight do not have any of these cameras. Watch the short video on left about diabetic retinopathy and the digital retina scanner.
Three Saturdays per month California Lions Friends in Sight host free vision screenings throughout Southern California and Mexico. At each screening event, Lions Clubs volunteers screen over 300 people who do not have resources for visions exams. Click here for a schedule of the upcoming Lions Friends in Site screening events
Retina Specialist Dr. Nikolas London of Retina Consultants in San Diego discusses the risk factors, symptoms and treatment options for diabetic eye disease – specifically retinopathy and macular edema. He explains why it’s important to get a dilated eye exam every year, which type of eye doctor you should be seeing, and when you should consider seeing a retina specialist.